
Learners prepare relevant personal information for a business opportunity, job or higher education application

University Application

Personal Statement

Film is the communication of perception and experience of life. It is one of the most universal forms of such, one which I find deeply fascinating due to its sheer scale of influence. An influence that holds great power over social beliefs, perceptions, political climates as well as many other aspects within our lives. It is one of the most universal forms of communication, a means to bare a part of your soul to the world and connect with those it touches. That is what I love about film. I believe that taking this course will help me to master all of the techniques and skills used in the creation of films to share my own experiences through this medium. I want to delve into all of its depths and acquaint myself with every crevice and understand its importance to the whole. One of the aspects I most enjoy is cinematography. I love the thrill of my mind wandering about, sculpting out the best way to visually convey the essence of a scene. This is the path I am currently pursuing as I have found that I love being in control of the camera and exploring the contents of this essence: its pacing and tone, colours and contrast, which angle and perspective will best suit the point and feeling it captures. How that contributes to the film as a whole by pushing and pulling it along as the vision grows and develops. Over the next year, I will be collaborating with an independent filmmaker in the role of his Cinematographer which will allow me to further my knowledge and gain a deeper technical education on cameras and their accessories. Throughout my time at Long Road Sixth Form, I have developed a range of skills through studying my media diploma such as communication within team projects, technical ability with industry software (Premiere Pro, Davinci Resolve, After Effects), as well as my knowledge and experience with cameras and cinematography. One of the most useful experiences I have gained has come from making a short film outside of college. It was a crime drama that followed the story of two twin brothers. I was the director and producer, arranging actors, shooting locations, dates and times, as well as developing the initial script, storyboard, and shot list. I had a trustworthy cinematographer who I collaborated with on the shot types, colour and tone, and content. I think this exposure to what it is actually like to make a film with others thoroughly deepened my knowledge of the processes needed and my understanding of what it feels like to be on set and behind the scenes of creating a film. With this foundation set, I wish to continue forward with my education in order to ease the process and master it. In my free time, I enjoy reading a wide scope of genres. Currently, I have about eight books on my bedside table, ranging from informative film books such as 'On Directing Film' by David Mamet to 'The Hobbit' and even a novel derived from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer world on 'Demons of the Hellmouth'. I love to watch films and TV shows of all genres. I find that not having a preference allows me to enjoy a range of different stories which in turns broadens my knowledge of ways in which they can be told. The most useful and freeing outlook this has given me is that there is not a definitive goal of films other than to communicate, whether that be an idea, an outlook, a political stance, prejudice, truth, or simply an experience. I also like to write, which is something I hope to develop to aid with script writing in the future. I wish to pursue a higher level of education to be able to truly home in my abilities and expand on ones which need improvement in a more professional environment. University is best suited to provide the equipment, lessons, and ability to enable me to do so. I want to be in a position that will allow me to effectively share my stories with others and influence the representation shown on screen.
